Introducing the Wellbeing Guides

Your Care

Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.

1 Pet.4.10

The People Team at Wycliffe is here to serve you.

It almost goes without saying that the greatest ‘gift‘ that God has given us at Wycliffe is you. You, and the people you serve, matter, as does your family (spouse, children, parents…). Consequently, as ‘faithful stewards’ we want to offer you all the support and help we can, so that you are able to experience God’s grace, remain resilient and flourish where God has placed you. 

What Support do we offer?

There is a whole team at Wycliffe focused on supporting you in your ministry – a Who’s Who can be found by clicking on the People to Help below.

Primary amongst these is your People Care Coordinator (PCC), who touches base with you by arranging a Conversation 2 or 3 times a year. If you have children, one of these may involve a Conversation with your TCK (Third Culture Kid) Care and Education Consultant.

The Wellbeing Guides

In your Conversations with your PCC a raft of things are covered related to how you and your family (spouse, children, parents…) are doing. Resources supporting these Conversations can be found in the Wellbeing Guides.

The seven Wellbeing Guides we have created are intended to inform the Conversations you have with your PCC. They reflect Wycliffe’s Values (see below), and are built around the 7 Characteristics found in Wycliffe’s Person Profile1 (see below).

What Matters to us at Wycliffe?

The following values underpin everything we do:

We depend on God

The work is his, to bring him glory. So we pray.

We make Jesus known

We love him. We want everyone to know him.

We are Bible people

We trust God’s word and act on it. We want everyone to engage with it.

We honour the Church

We put ourselves at the service of churches – both here and overseas –to help them fulfil their mandate.

We innovate

We’re not afraid to go first. We take risks and try new things. We work with urgency, for as long as it takes.

We serve sacrificially

We’re not afraid to go last. It’s not about us. We equip others to reach their vision.

What is important to us at Wycliffe?
What are the 7 Characteristics
  1. People of spiritual, personal and professional integrity who act in line with the ethical expectations of their Christian vocation and faith commitments and beliefs.
  2. Competent professionals with in-depth subject knowledge, skills and understanding that is relevant to the complexities of the contemporary world. 
  3. Innovative investigators who think critically and can identify problems, investigate possibilities, and find creative solutions. 
  4. Adaptable communicators who seek to listen to, engage, and positively influence audiences in varied social, professional and cultural contexts. 
  5. Flexible co-workers who are aware of their own strengths and weaknesses and have the resilience to adapt to new roles, challenging situations and changing contexts. 
  6. Service-oriented community members who prioritise respectful relationships, interdependence and growth of others over individual agendas. 
  7. Lifelong learners with the curiosity and passion to keep growing and developing, and encouraging others to do the same. 

It is important to note that each of the 7 characteristics in the Person Profile highlights different aspects of who we are, and who we desire to be. They are all interlinked and overlapping, but all of them rest on us having strong spiritual foundations that we can pay attention to and nurture.

How does the Person Profile relate to the Wellbeing Guides?

In the Wellbeing Guides, we have taken each of the Characteristics in the Person Profile to create a resource that will allow you to reflect on the Spiritual Foundations that can underpin that Characteristic.

The Wellbeing Guides also provide you with a space to reflect on what that Characteristic might look like in practice, by using active verbs to describe aspects of the Characteristic2. These will be highlighted in a green box, and simply offer you another way to consider how the Characteristics in the Person Profile might play out in action.

  1. These Characteristics are based on the Graduate Attributes which were originally created by Phil King, at the School of Language and Scripture, Moorlands College. With some re-working, they have now been adopted by the whole college.
  2. These paragraphs have been taken from the Personal Attributes developed by the Global HR Team in SIL International.

It is our prayer for you that, as you interact with these Guides, you will feel both encouraged and challenged to continue growing and learning, spiritually and professionally, in order that you can flourish where God has placed you.

Enjoy your Conversations….